Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Professional have been launched in India earlier this month. The corporate’s newest Pixel-branded smartphones debuted with the next-generation Tensor G2 SoC, which is produced utilizing Samsung’s 4nm fabrication course of. This chipset is claimed to convey improved CPU and GPU efficiency over the SoC powering the Pixel 6 collection. The Tensor G2 SoC will get a max clock charge of two.85GHz. It additionally comes built-in with a Mali-G710 GPU, Google’s Titan M2 safety chip, and a second-generation EdgeTPU AI processor.
In keeping with a report by SamMobile, the Google Tensor G2 SoC powering the Pixel 7 collection is produced on Samsung’s 4nm LPE course of. It’s stated to be an improve over the 5nm LPE processor used for the earlier Tensor SoC.
Google is claimed to have targeted on enhancing AI efficiency and safety capabilities with the Tensor G2 SoC. The report mentions that the Tensor G2 SoC packs two 2.85GHz ARM Cortex-X1 cores, in addition to two ARM Cortex-A78 cores with a 2.35GHz clock charge, and 4 ARM Cortex-A55 cores clocked at 1.8GHz.
Moreover, this chipset is claimed to be paired with a Mali-G710 GPU for improved gaming and HDR efficiency. The Google Tensor G2 SoC additionally might be built-in with a and a second-generation EdgeTPU AI processor. It’s reportedly appropriate with LPDDR5 RAM. It options 4MB of shared L3 cache and 8MB of complete system cache.
The following-generation Tensor G2 SoC is claimed to function an improved picture sign processor (ISP), which supplies allows it to document 4K 60fps movies on all cameras. This chipset can reportedly deal with a 108-megapixel digital camera with out stutter or lag.
It’s outfitted with the recently-announced Samsung Exynos 5300 5G modem, which might be sooner and provide improved power effectivity in comparison with the modem featured on the first-generation Tensor chipset that debuted with the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Professional.