Are you an owner of one of the 30 million businesses in the USA?

If you are, then likely you have felt the repercussions of the economic changes of the last 12 months.  In 2019, economic conditions were improving and providing ideal conditions for local small businesses.

However, since that time, global pandemics and increasingly crowded markets have made it difficult for business owners to develop their businesses at the same speed.

Are you using all the tools that you can to increase the ROI on your marketing strategies? Have you considered how a better understanding of digital analytics in 2021 could help you?

Why not read on to get an in-depth understanding of how digital marketing analytics could help your business plan.

  1. More Efficient Use of Predictive Analytics

Experts tell us that digital ad spending was lower in 2020 than in previous years. However, as businesses look to learn the lessons of the past 12 months and apply them to their advertising campaigns, this is likely to change.

Predictive analytics are becoming more accurate than ever and can be instantly deployed by means of social media shopping channels One example of this is Instagram shopping.

The increase in eCommerce and social media-based shopping due to the pandemic has given eCommerce businesses even more data to work with. Further, tools such as Google Analytics 4 are available to get the most out of data accrued via web activity.

Why not research further to find more information and see how you can benefit from analytics.

  1. Better Understanding of Customer Experience Optimization

The better the customer experience the more likely you are to experience lower churn rates and build longer-lasting relationships with customers.

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Using new tools it is possible for eCommerce vendors to more accurately measure the experience of each customer at each stage.

Tools such as facial recognition and screen recording are potential tools for reading the customer experience in the future. Even now, digital analytics tools are enabling businesses to identify causes of cart abandonment and frustration.

Why not consider your customer experience as they interact with your brand via social media channels or your website. By creating ever more efficient funnels and processes you will be able to increase the conversion rate from visitor to customer.

  1. More Effective Advertising

In 2021, The range of options for your business to implement effective advertising has never been higher.

With almost 20% of new businesses collapsing within the first and only 50% making it past 5 years, understanding which of these platforms will work for you is a crucial step.

A digital analytics consultant can help you to understand who exactly your audience and what they find attractive about your brand. They can understand the metrics that visitors leave behind.

Armed with this information you can start to apply it by choosing advertising platforms that will work for you. Whether you will go with Spotify or simply utilize banner ads you can be sure that your investment is based on solid data.

  1. Privacy Concerns

Of course, no discussion about the role of web analytics in digital marketing would be complete without mentioning privacy concerns.

While businesses will continue to accrue metrics regarding customer behavior the systems that gather and store this data will need to comply with governmental regulations such as GDPR policies.

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A key part of management is the process of elimination. Data that you accrue should be processed efficiently but then either archived in a legal manner or deleted.

This not only means that the data you gather remains manageable in size, but also that any hack or data breach only exposes limited information.

  1. Quality Data Management

High-quality data management involves more than just allaying security concerns. This is especially true if you are considering using programmatic advertising methods.

This involves the automatic purchase and deployment of advertising based on available data. It is important that your data is accurate and well kept. If this is the case, this advertising will accurately target your customer’s needs.

However, if you do not perform housekeeping you may have a problem. Your data-driven automatically purchased advertisements are only as accurate a the data they are based on. If it is not neat and tidy, your advertisement may not be efficient and accurate.

Ensure that you handle your digital business analytics cleanly and accurately to avoid this.

  1. Technical Debt

The rate of increase in the collection of data and analytics has increased dramatically in the last 10 years. However, keeping up with the pace of progress is not always easy.

Technical debt refers to the correction of decisions that were made during the creation of software. These decisions were likely made with good intention. However, they do not support the systems that you are using today. They are slowing down your data analysis process and so you need to arrange for their correction.

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An example of this would be the discontinuation of 3rd party cookies. Many businesses invested heavily in this technology in the past. However, they are now searching for other solutions as these are discontinued.

In 2021, many companies will be searching through their software and data analytics software. They are searching for anything that could create inefficiencies in their data processing.

  1. Visualization of Data

Key decision-makers are becoming more aware of the power of metrics and data analytics. This creates a greater responsibility to craft this information into a form that they can easily consume. This requires accurate and clear storytelling

Data visualization programs can convert large amounts of information into meaningful visuals. The speed and accuracy of this process will continue to grow in importance in 2021.

This data should also be available for those on the shop floor. Dashboards that users can use to easily read and grasp information will be crucial. They can include data from both eCommerce sites and brick-and-mortar stores.

All You Need to Know about Digital Analytics and Much More

If you are in business today, you know that learning from the analytics you accrue from your website is crucial. They affect the success of your marketing strategies and your overall business plan.

By applying the principles that we have discussed today, you will be able to benefit from the best methods of analyzing digital analytics.

If you are interested in learning more about these subjects and more, then we are here to help. Why not take a look at our blog posts for more information.